These projects are here for posterity and are begging not to be judged.
BMO Prints
City Animations
Minimal Zelda
Minimal Metroid

Wagepoint Icons
[Animation] State Fair
Personal: Making Friends
[Animation] State Fair
Hipster Biker Loop
Monster Project
Childrens Book Wyley
Musiquest Branded Illustration
State Fair Animation
Skully Short Film
Rocket League Fan Art
Mailchimp Editorial
Australian City Development
Facebook Lettering
Google Social Campaign
Heart Animation
Thrasher Magazine
Facebook Lettering
Facebook Sticker Pack
Culture Travelers
Mascot Design
Target Gift Card
Pirates Electronics
Samsonite Animations
Facebook Lettering
Music Badges
Monster Project
Hungry? iOS Stickers
MyTransHealth Portraits
Firecracker Icons
Hands Emojis
Up and to the Right
Idiots Lantern
Monica Justesen Branding
Mascot - Digit
Bluconic Pricing
Launch Academy

3 Blind Men
T shirt
Liquid Shot Co
Highlights Magazine
Lighthouse Tattoo
Refused Ticket Stubs
WMC Fest
Fox Mascot
Marcins Tattoo
Made in the Now
Prez Powerz Album
Icon Set
Icon Set
Icon Set
Blueconic GIFs
Planet Nutshell
Desmonds World
Family Portrait