Keynotes, Workshops, Live Events

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I bring authentic, honest, and accessible stories to workshops, elementary schools, universities, corporate events, and live demonstrations.

In most cases, my goal as a speaker/content creator is to bring themes that appeal to all creatives, not just other illustrators.

Potential Themes

🦸‍♂️ Weakness is Your Superpower

A talk about leaning into your weaknesses. Everyone has insecurities, and most times those can lead to major successes.

🎨 Sharing Work Authentically

I’ve worked with the worlds’ top brands for 10+ years without ever reaching out to any clients. All my work has come inbound through posting work online and sharing my process.

💾 From Engineering to Art

I got my degree in computer science and immediately pivoted in my last year to realizing I wanted to be a digital artist. Motivation took over and brought me from programming to web design to iconography to where I am today.

✏️ Character Design Workshop

What makes us, us? A self-portrait doesn’t need to be about getting the perfect jawline or shading. Characters are all about their choices they make. This workshop is based on a staff-picked Skillshare course.